I just returned from the Post Office where I mailed a couple dozen damsel fly nymphs to a new customer.

The image above shows several Wood Duck Damsel nymphs. The one below shows the nymph close-up.

The project started with a Comment left on my RiverKeeper Flies website. I responded with an email and after a couple back and forth emails I told him I could tie the flies. He had saved an article from the March/April 1997 edition of American Angler magazine about three damsel fly nymphs. The article was entitled Designs on Damsels by John Shewey.
I smiled when I read the article because I know John. He is a terrific fly fisher, fly tyer, and author. In fact, I have several of his books and constantly recommend them to others. I thought it was ironic a customer from the mid-west would contact me to see if I could tie the three nymphs John wrote about.
If you read last week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly post, you saw the Diving Damsel nymph, the second damsel fly nymph.

The third damsel fly nymph was the Damp Damsel.

I think all three flies are really very fishy looking and I’m anxious to trying them myself…yes, I did tie a few for myself!
I’ll be adding the fly pattern sheets to the Lake Flies page.
I’m almost finished with another fly order. These are a few Searun Cutthroat flies.
With the snow and cold weather we’ve had in the last couple of weeks, it seems to be fly tying season!
It’s not too early to start thinking of flies you need for next year’s fishing season. If you are thinking about a Christmas gift, you better contact me soon. Just leave a Comment below.
Enjoy…go fish!
Hi John, as always I love the posts,and look forward to them. Your wood duck damsel nymph pictures show eyes, but they are not noted in the pattern sheet. What size and type did you use.
Greg Stumpf