Checking My Fly Box

Checking My Fly Box

I finally got around to checking my fly box to see if I need to tie a few March Brown mayfly imitations. I hope to fish them later this week on a favorite river. I know, it’s not March, but April is when they hatch on this water. I checked the Fly Imitations for Spring…

Metolius River Rainbow Trout |

Flies Coming Off My Vise

This week’s post will highlight a few flies coming off my vise AND include a comment about how to fish them. I hope it will help you determine what flies to include in your fly box when we can start fishing again. I recognize not all readers of my RiverKeeper Flies weekly posts tie flies….

Metolius redside on drake |

June Fly Box

Perhaps you saw last week’s post entitled Fishing the Lower Deschutes. I drifted the river twice last week. My fly box was full of Salmonfly and Golden Stonefly imitations. So I returned to my home river today and found many more PMD’s hatching and thought I better get my June fly box in order. Where…

Medallion Biot Wet Fly |

Medallion Biot Wet Fly

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is the Medallion Biot Wet Fly. I selected this fly to continue the theme of biot flies I presented in the Goose and Turkey Biot Flies post this week. The Medallion Biot Wet Fly is another fly by Shane Stalcup and can be tied in different sizes and colors to imitate a…

Sheep Creek Special |

Sheep Creek Special TBT

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is the Sheep Creek Special. I found the fly was developed by George Biggs of Jerome, Idaho in the 1960’s where he fished it at Sheep Creek Reservoir on the Nevada/Idaho border. Some say the Sheep Creek Special imitates leeches is larger sizes and midges in smaller sizes. It might…