Denny's Seal Bugger |

Denny Rickards Seal Bugger

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Denny Rickards Seal Bugger. Denny created this fly in the mid-80’s on Oregon’s Upper Klamath Lake, his home waters. The fly is a variation of the popular Woolly Bugger.  I’d seen this fly years ago, but found it again in Rickards Fly-Fishing Stillwaters for Trophy Trout (1997). It’s the…

Sheep Creek Special |

Sheep Creek Special TBT

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is the Sheep Creek Special. I found the fly was developed by George Biggs of Jerome, Idaho in the 1960’s where he fished it at Sheep Creek Reservoir on the Nevada/Idaho border. Some say the Sheep Creek Special imitates leeches is larger sizes and midges in smaller sizes. It might…

Denny's Stillwater Nymph |

Dennys Stillwater Nymph

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Dennys Stillwater Nymph. As I thought about which fly to choose for a TBT Fly, this one came to mind. It seems appropriate as I’ve recently posted pictures on my RiverKeeper Flies Facebook page and the fly was front and center in this week’s Fly Fishing at Diamond Lake…

Denny's Stillwater Nymph |

Lake Flies

One inch long and green. What? Yup, if there’s any question about what lake flies to use, a friend of mine always says “Try something one inch long and green.” Dennys Stillwater Nymph I like simple flies for a variety of reasons, but even that recommendation is a little too simple for me. It’s like saying…