Quigley Cripple Gray Drake | www.johnkreft.com

Quigley Gray Drake Cripple

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is a Quigley Gray Drake Cripple. I didn’t find a fly pattern sheet for a Quigley Gray Drake Cripple. This was tied for a customer and I pulled a few materials out I thought looked good for the fly. For instance, the body is a goose quill wrapped with…

Film Critic PMD | www.johnkreft.com

Quigley Film Critic

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is a Quigley Film Critic. The Quigley Film Critic imitates a mayfly emerger, specifically half nymph, half dry fly struggling to get out of the nymphal shuck. The curved hook allows the nymph half to partially sink. Here’s the description of the fly from Quigley: This emerger’s entire body…

Stalcup's Cripple Emerger | www.johnkreft.com

Stalcup’s Cripple Emerger TBT

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Stalcup’s Cripple Emerger TBT. You may have seen a couple Shane Stalcup flies in previous TBT posts. I received a Comment of appreciation for highlighting Shane’s flies from a friend of his, Jimbo Busse. I always enjoy receiving Comments about my TBT posts because I’ve stirred a thought or two…

Blanket Hatch | www.johnkreft.com

October Fly Fishing

October fly fishing is a special time of year. It’s the last hurrah for both fly fishers AND fish. I’ve said before that fishing tapers off dramatically around November 1, so that means I have less than one month to get my fix for awhile. So I need to make sure I have the right…

Quigley Victory Drake | www.johnkreft.com

Quigley Victory Drake

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is the Quigley Victory Drake. I saw this fly for the first time a little over a week ago during our trip on the Upper Columbia River. If you haven’t seen the post, be sure to read my story of dry fly fishing with Green Drake mayflies is BIG…

Metolius redside on drake | www.johnkreft.com

June Fly Box

Perhaps you saw last week’s post entitled Fishing the Lower Deschutes. I drifted the river twice last week. My fly box was full of Salmonfly and Golden Stonefly imitations. So I returned to my home river today and found many more PMD’s hatching and thought I better get my June fly box in order. Where…

Madison River - Relaxed Fishing | www.johnkreft.com

Montana Fly Box

Over the last few weeks, I’ve written about our Montana Road Trip where we fished the Madison, Depuy Spring Creek, Stillwater, and Slough Creek & the Lamar. I thought I’d provide a summary of the effective flies we used in our Montana fly box. When selecting flies, I always try to imitate the insects I think…

Higa's SOS with UV Resin | www.johnkreft.com

Recent Changes

Every once in awhile, I create a Recent Changes post to catch you up on what’s been happening behind the scenes at RiverKeeper Flies. And this is the week for it. Did you notice the Youtube video my wife took recently at the Central Oregon Sportsman Show in Redmond, Oregon? She was there with a few…