Brindle Chute Dry Flies |

Stranahan’s Brindle Hackle Multi Colored Body Parachute

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Chuck Stranahan’s Brindle Hackle Multi Colored Body Parachute. Most fly fishers know this fly as the Brindle Chute, a shortened name. Chuck was the owner of Chuck Stranahan’s Flies & Guides which he closed in February 2022. Chuck developed the Brindle Chute to imitate the Hecuba mayfly on his home…

Checking My Fly Box

Checking My Fly Box

I finally got around to checking my fly box to see if I need to tie a few March Brown mayfly imitations. I hope to fish them later this week on a favorite river. I know, it’s not March, but April is when they hatch on this water. I checked the Fly Imitations for Spring…

March Brown Adult |

March Brown Time

Spring is here. That means it’s March Brown time. I saw a small hatch on the river last week. Here is one of them. I think it’s early, but our weather has been so mild I’m really not surprised. In fact, I was looking for them. I took one of my bug vials filled with Purel…

Sparkle Dun PMD |

Sparkle Dun Mayfly

This is a size 16 Pale Morning Dun Sparkle Dun Mayfly or PMD for short. One of my favorite flies. It’s in the top 5 of many fishermen in the know. The Sparkle Dun is a Craig Matthews pattern from Blue Ribbon Flies. I tie this simple, yet effective fly in size 22 Blue Wing Olive…