Puyans A.P. Muskrat #2 | www.riverkeeperflies.com

Puyans A.P. Muskrat #2

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Andy Puyans A.P. Muskrat #2. André “Andy” Puyans (1935-2005) was born in Garden City, NY and began tying flies at the age of seven. He moved to San Francisco, CA in 1958 to tie flies for Abercrombie and Fitch and eventually opened his own fly shop, Creative Sports…

Muskrat Nymph | www.riverkeeperflies.com

Polly’s Muskrat Nymph

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Polly’s Muskrat Nymph. A couple of weeks ago, I presented Polly’s Fledermouse Nymph and thought since I had used muskrat, I’d highlight another nymph utilizing the same material. It’s a simple fly to tie with the most difficult aspect is locating the natural materials of muskrat and beaver. This…

BWO Pulsating Emerger - Size 22 | www.johnkreft.com

Tying Very Small Flies

I finished a fly order recently, tying very small flies which challenged my fly tying skills. The order was for flies in sizes 18 to 22. Tying small flies is difficult if you don’t tie a lot. You feel like you’re tying with two thumbs! Trust me, I’ve been there! I remember a statement I…

PMD Dun | www.johnkreft.com

PMD Time

It’s PMD time again! I always look forward to this hatch. It begins in late May and will continue through September. Many hatches are in full swing now on my local waters in Central Oregon. Besides PMDs, there are Salmonflies, Green Drakes, and Caddis. It’s a wonderful time of year! PMDs, otherwise known as Pale…

BWO and Imitation | www.johnkreft.com

BWO Fly Box

In mid-December, I wrote a post about Choosing a Fly Box. I still need to fill a fly box with BWO flies, so it’s timely for me to highlight a few important flies I plan to place in the fly box. I’ll provide some of my favorites to help you create your own BWO fly…

Baetis | www.johnkreft.com

Winter and Blue Wing Olives

Thanksgiving is only a few days away, which means winter is right around the corner. Do you know what that means? Blue Wing Olives will be the mayflies I plan to imitate. Gone are the bigger mayflies. What will get me through the next few months are hatches of BWO’s. So are you ready for…