This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Dennys Stillwater Nymph.

As I thought about which fly to choose for a TBT Fly, this one came to mind. It seems appropriate as I’ve recently posted pictures on my RiverKeeper Flies Facebook page and the fly was front and center in this week’s Fly Fishing at Diamond Lake post.
It’s my go-to lake fly. I have a lot of confidence in the fish-catching abilities of the fly. I don’t know how old it is, but it’s over 20 years old. In his book, Denny writes “If I had only one fly to fish with when insects are hatching, this would be it.” I agree wholeheartedly!
Denny Rickards is the creator of the Stillwater Nymph. He owns Crystal Creek Anglers in Fort Klamath, Oregon and is an expert fly fisher on Klamath Lake. And he catches BIG fish! Like trophy trout!
Oh, and he has a booth at the NW Fly Tyer & Fly Fishing Expo in Albany, Oregon every year. In fact, you can even take one of his stillwater lake classes. Mark your calendars for March 11 & 12, 2016.
I first learned about the fly from Denny’s book entitled Fly-Fishing Stillwaters for Trophy Trout. My wife and I took his stillwater clinic at Alder Creek Ranch in Sisters many years ago. We didn’t know much about fishing lakes and we really enjoyed the clinic AND the fishing. I think that’s probably where I purchased his book. And perhaps a couple of fly lines to present our flies in the proper zone.
You may have seen the variation’s in my post or on the Dennys Stillwater Nymph fly pattern sheet.

And another variation…

Denny says the fly could represent a damsel nymph, scud, or for no apparent reason. I like that.
So if you even think about fishing lakes, you better have a couple of these in your fly box!
Enjoy…go fish!