I’ve been spending a lot of hours at the vise lately, filling our Patagonia fly boxes for our trip to Argentina and Chile next month. I finished them last night, a total of 252 flies. I hope you read my Filling My Patagonia Fly Box progress report I wrote two weeks ago. Notice the “his and hers” fly boxes are now full. I’m pleased with the results and hope these flies will catch Patagonia trout. Also, if you are a fly tyer, be sure to check the bottom of today’s post for two announcements.
And a “provider box” with a few more flies.
Did you notice the nymphs in the box with parachute flies? Surprising, right?
I tied Parachute Adams, Purple Haze, and a variety of Pheasant Tail and Prince nymphs.
Here is a better view of the terrestrials – Card’s Cicada, Fat Alberts, and PMX Royal flies.
With the exception of Morrish Hoppers, I tied all of the flies in bold below.
- Chubby Chernobyl / Purple, tan, gold / size: 10
- Cicada / size: 8
- Fat Albert / Black, Tan / Size: 8,10,12
- Charlie Boy Hopper / Tan / Size: 8
- Morrish Hopper / Tan / Size: 8
- Purple Para Wulff / Size: 14
- Parachute Adams / Size: 12,14
- Swisher ‘s Parachute Madam X / Size: 8
- Elk Hair Caddis / Tan / Size: 12,14
- Sparkle Minnow / Size: 4, 6
- Autumn Splendor / Size: 4,6
- Rubber Bugger / Size: 4,6,8
- Beldar Rubberlegs / Size: 4,6,8
- Bead Head Crystal Bugger / Brown, Black / Size: 6
- Tungsten Pheasant Tail / Size: 14,16
- Tungsten Prince Nymph / Size: 10,12
- Copper John / Red, Copper / Size: 12,14
- CDC Flashback Pheasant Tail / Size: 12,14
- Pat ́s Rubberlegs / Brown, Coffee-black / Size: 6
And no, we don’t really fish with streamers, so I didn’t tie any of them.
I wanted to take some Beetle Bailey flies, so I tied a dozen of them in size 10.
Here is an image of Card’s Cicadas.
And a mess of Fat Alberts in sizes 8 & 10.
You’ll notice I didn’t tie the Charlie Boy Hopper. I looked up the fly pattern and thought the Thunder Thigh Hoppers already tied and sitting in my terrestrial provider box would be a good substitute.
I feel good about the selection of flies we’ll take for our fly fishing in Argentina and Chile next month.
Now for the two fly tying activities you may be interested in:
I’ll be teaching at this week’s Central Oregon Fly Tyer’s Guild Zoom class entitled Tips for Tying Small Flies. You are welcome to attend! The session will be on Thursday, December 14 beginning at 5 pm PST. You don’t need to be a member to participate.
Here is the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7963775593?pwd=c1F0a0JwMHRHR3lydDJMMnNZOWh5dz09
I volunteered to teach a class called Effective Golden Stonefly Patterns at the NW Fly Fishing Fly Tyer & Fly Fishing Expo. Just click on the link if you are interested. I’ll teach Lee Clark’s Lady Golden Stone and a Chubby Chernobyl. I provide most of the materials and you bring a vise and tools and stimulator deer hair. The class is scheduled for Saturday, March 2 from 1:30 – 3:00 pm and limited to 10 students.
Enjoy…go fish!
Thank you for the heads up on your Expo class, I just registered. Hope y’all have a great Patagonia trip!
Enjoy all your posts. Regarding the zoom class, can I record this? I have a previous commitment and won’t be able to watch it live.
Hi Alan
I’m not sure. I plan to record and post on my YouTube channel in short order.
I envy your fly boxes, great job tying as usual. Thanks for sharing.