If you’ve been following my posts lately, you know I’ve been working on a project to complete a box of flies for the Crooked River. Well, it’s finished. Here are the Crooked River Flies – done!

Crooked River Flies - Done | www.johnkreft.com

These flies are variations of established fly patterns created by Bill Seitz, who I call “Crooked River Bill.” He catches fish on the Crooked River…and I mean LOTS of fish.

While I don’t fish the Crooked River much, my initial goal was to document Bill’s flies he shared in our local Central Oregon Flyfisher’s newsletter in a more usable form. Let me know if I’ve achieved my goal.

If you want to know the reasons they work, check out my previous Crooked River Flies post. I discuss biomass, fly size, profile, segmentation, hot spots and flash, and UV material…important concepts for Bill’s flies.

But back to the flies.

The final flies added to the box were Ray Charles…1/2 dozen each of White and Tan and the Bling

So count ’em up…you should reach 8 dozen…96 flies!

Row 1 (Top)

Crooked River Flies - Row 1 | www.johnkreft.com

Row 2

Crooked River Flies - Row 2 | www.johnkreft.com

Row 3

Crooked River Flies - Row 3 | www.johnkreft.com

Row 4

Crooked River Flies - Row 4 | www.johnkreft.com

Row 5

Crooked River Flies - Row 5 | www.johnkreft.com

Row 6 (Bottom)

Crooked River Flies - Row 6 | www.johnkreft.com

So there you have it. My box of Crooked River Flies – done! 

If you fish the Crooked River, be sure to use a few of these fly patterns and let me know how they work!

A couple other things: 

  • If you’d like to receive an email when a new Post is published, be sure to sign up in the SUBSCRIBE area on the sidebar of this page. 
  • Check out the Fly Patterns page on the website as I continue to add patterns I fish. Don’t tie? That’s OK. Many of these patterns can be found in your local fly shop. 
  • Feel free to share with your friends by copying the link to RiverKeeper Flies (www.johnkreft.com), or using the buttons below to SHARE on your Facebook page or pin pictures to Pinterest
  • If you’d like to follow me on Facebook, click Follow RiverKeeper Flies on the sidebar where I add a few pictures and thoughts.

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  1. The crooked river flies…what a great effort and post for all of us that fish the Crooked.

    Have you thought about a “Fall River flies?

    Thanks again…I really appreciate it!

    1. Marc

      Thanks for the nice comment! Yes, I have thought about adding other “boxes” for our local waters. And the Fall is one of those. Only problem is I’d need a little help because I don’t really fish it much. Perhaps we can talk about that…


  2. Over the top great. A picture is worth 1000 words, and you got it.
    The separated pictures with the flies listed are the best.

  3. thanks again John… this tells me where to concentrate my tying for a while… I’m getting there thanks to your help.

  4. Thanks John these flies certainly work. Key small ,small hot spots.

    Good addition would review of a John Anderson’s study covering seasonal abundance in the drift. Max

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