Here is the fly pattern sheet for the RS2.

RS2 - Grey |

Top picture – an original #18 RS 2 with grey-dyed beaver dubbing. Bottom picture –  a black #18 RS2.

RS2 Materials | RS2 Materials
Hook:Tiemco 101 or Daiichi 1110 #16 – 22
Thread:8/0 to match body
Tail:2 dark dun microfibbets
Body:Beaver dubbing (or other dry fly dubbing)
Wing:Web of saddle hackle feathers, dark dun


  1. Start thread on hook and advance half way back towards barb.
  2. Tie in 2 tail fibers and split to obtain 60 – 70 degree tail separation.
  3. Use a small amount of dubbing to create a SLIM tapered body. Tightly twisting the dubbing will create a segmented body.
  4. Tie in wing.
  5. Create well-defined thorax area. Wrap dubbing in front and behind wing.
  6. Trim wing by pulling fibers straight up and cutting at an angle. (see picture)

Other material variations

Hook:Daiichi 1110
Thread:8/0 to match body
Tail:Moose, coq de leon
Body:UV2 caddis Black, UV Ice Dub, or Superfine black (#18 & smaller)
Wing:White or grey antron or Zelon, grey CDC, pearl Krystal Flash

Fly Variations

Fly ColorThread ColorBody ColorWing ColorThorax Color
BlackBlackBlackDark DunBlack
GreyGreyGreyDark DunGrey
TanTanTanDark DunTan
BrownBrownBrownDark DunBrown

“The RS-2 is tied in a number of colors and sizes based upon mayflies in the drift. For the Crooked River, I use a size 16 black (black UV Ice Dub) for the BWO hatch. Dark olive would have worked as well.” Bill Seitz 

Knowing Bill, I’d bet he would prefer to use antron or Krystal Flash for the wing to make the fly sturdier. He ties them in size 16 and 18 in black, olive, brown, and tan.

Here is an RS2 – Ice Dub version using a Zelon wing and moose for the tail.

RS2 - Black Ice Dub |

For more information on the RS2, go to

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