I’m finishing a lake fly order today. Karen and I were fishing Diamond Lake with friends last fall and had great success on Dennys Stillwater Nymph. While our friends caught fish, we had a tremendous day and only used one fly pattern…Dennys Stillwater Nymph. (I wrote about our experience in a previous post – Fly Fishing at Diamond Lake)

We use it primarily in the following colors and fish them in sizes 12 & 14.

Dennys Stillwater Nymph – Burnt Orange Back

Denny's Stillwater Nymph | www.johnkreft.com

Dennys Stillwater Nymph – Olive Back

Dennys Stillwater Nymph - Olive Wingcase | www.johnkreft.com

I’ve even had this fly as a Throw Back Thursday Fly. If you’d like to find out more about the fly and Denny Rickards, read Dennys Stillwater Nymph TBT post.

But back to the fly order…I was asked to tie up some of my best lake flies for him. After a little discussion, here is the list we settled on:

Dennys Callibaetis Nymph

Dennys Callibaetis Nymph | www.johnkreft.com

RiverKeeper Callibaetis Emerger

RK Callibaetis Emerger | www.johnkreft.com

Harrops Callibaetis Paraspinner

Harrops Callibaetis Paraspinner| www.johnkreft.com

These are great lake flies! If you are new to lake fishing, check out the fly patterns and tie them up for yourself.

Hopefully, I get the last 1/2 dozen finished tomorrow and head to the Post Office.


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