A few more images from the water taken in the last two weeks. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking them.

Blue Water on the Metolius | www.johnkreft.com

These images were taken on the hiker trail between Canyon Creek and the Hatchery.

View in the Canyon on Metolius | www.johnkreft.com

A Green Drake I found floating downstream in the current.

Note the yellow pollen specks in both images.

The next image deserves a little explanation.

Note the fly on the water with some color below it. Yes, it’s a Rainbow trout under the fly.

Drive-by on Metolius | www.johnkreft.com

This fish rose to the fly three different times, but never broke the surface to eat the fly. We call those “drive-bys”. It’s close enough to take the dead-drift fly, but something isn’t quite right and at the very last second, decides to pass. We see this event frequently and it’s VERY difficult to leave the fly there and not react.

Yes, a few fish have been landed.

Metolius Rainbow | www.johnkreft.com

Butterflies are all around the river.

Butterfly on Metolius | www.johnkreft.com

And I wonder why beetles work so well… I love the shadows in the image.

Beetle and Shadows on Metolius | www.johnkreft.com

Lastly, a curious otter.

River Otter on Metolius | www.johnkreft.com

Enjoy…go fish!

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