Here are images from Leslie Gulch and the Owyhee Basin, the first stop on our fall fly fishing road trip.
The image above is the road to Leslie Gulch, named for Hiram Leslie Silver City who was killed by lightning in 1882 here.
The Owyhee River flows into the Snake River and is the largest basin in Oregon at 11,049 square miles, but includes streams from northern Nevada and southwest Idaho.
The scenery was spectacular. Here are several of my favorite images.
At the end of the road is a small campground and boat ramp. These images shows how low the reservoir looks.
After leaving Leslie Gulch, we travelled north through the edge of Idaho and west, back into Oregon to fish the Owyhee River below the dam and found rising trout.
Here are some images of the water we fished.
And the fish…
Bridge below the dam.
And the glory hole at the dam, holding back a 57 mile reservoir of the 280 mile long river.
Enjoy…go fish!