The 2nd Annual Cast One – Home Waters Annual Online Auction is live from September 27 thru October 5. Proceeds from the auction benefit Casting for Recovery (CfR). There are several items directly benefiting the Southern Oregon CfR retreat my wife runs which I’ve shared below.
The box of 66 flies include: Dozen each #16 Purple Haze, Tan X Caddis, Tan Iris Caddis, RiverKeeper Flies Soft Hackle Cripple – PMD, Arrick’s Ant – Black and a bonus ½ Dozen #16 Andre’ Puyans Loop Wing Dry Fly tied by Jeff Smith.
Pendleton Chief Joseph Blanket – Item #149
Solitude McCoy Landing Net – Item #150
Custom Handmade Domino Set – Item #211 – This set was handmade by my friend Jim Fisher. The box is made of Curly Maple and Black Walnut with dovetail corners, brass latch and a felt lining. The dominoes are synthetic ivory with pink UV resin pips, each hand painted.
Pastel Shoofly Quilt – Item #152
Please consider supporting CfR by participating in the auction.
Enjoy…go fish!