I’ve said for the last couple of years the fish gods flip a switch and the fishing changes in November. But this year, the weather forecast is such that I might get another week of good fishing.

Each day is different and the hatches are getting shorter, just like daylight hours. What this means is if I want to catch fish, I might have to consider tying a few nymphs on the end of my line!
Many people believe I’m a dry fly purist, but that isn’t true. I’m fortunate enough to live close to the river and therefore time my arrival to when I believe the bugs will hatch. Who doesn’t love seeing fish rise to a dry fly?

But I used to fish with nymphs a lot. Why? Because I didn’t fish as much and when I did get the opportunity to fish on a weekend, I wanted to take my best shot at hooking a fish. That meant to fish nymphs when I didn’t see bugs hatching, which was quite often. Sure, I’d get lucky and occasionally find a few rising fish, but it seems like I nymphed much more in those days.
So as fishing changes in November, I need to check my nymph box for a few likely suspects to tie on my leader.
I found a new nymph to tie and am anxious to fish. It’s called the Morrish Anato May PMD, developed by Ken Morrish. I plan to tie it in the near future and add it to the Mayfly Fly Patterns page, so be sure to check back soon for the fly pattern sheet. Any fly pattern developed by Ken Morrish is worth looking at and this fly looks like it will catch fish. Here is one of Ken’s October Caddis fly patterns.

You know I like $3 Dips as well. I tied several last week ranging from #22 – #16, with and without beads. Whether the fish think the $3 Dip is a midge or mayfly nymph doesn’t matter to me. All I know is they love this bug. In fact, it worked very well on my last Montana Road Trip.

The other fly is the Mighty Midget Emerger #20.
Odds & Ends
- October 31 marks the end of my self-described “tying year”. I chose that date because there is a transition between the great fishing of October and November and it seemed like a natural break. This year’s grand total of flies I’ve tied is a little over 171 dozen – 2,056 flies. I’ve kept track of my flies the last few years – 111, 120, 106, 100, 120, and now 171. Thanks to my customers for purchasing RiverKeeper Flies!
- The annual Pacific Northwest Fly Tyers Rendezvous at the Jackson Armory by the Portland International Airport on Saturday is November 12. I plan to be there tying flies all day, so be sure to stop by and say “hi” if you are in the Portland – Metro area.
- Lastly, be sure to follow me on Facebook (@RiverKeeperFlies) and/or Instagram (RiverKeeperFlies) as I post a few pictures and thoughts between posts.
Well, I’m headed to the river.
Enjoy…go fish!