Here are the final images from Iceland. Our visit was timed with the annual bird migration. While not a “birder”, I find them beautiful and admire the coloration. As a fly tyer, my mind periodically found myself at the vise creating flies using their feathers. I hope you were able to read my original Images from Iceland.

Horned Grebe |

I used Google Lens search function to identify these Icelandic birds I captured, so apologies to the REAL birders reading this if I misidentify any birds.


Loons |

Purple Sandpiper

Purple Sandpiper Closeup |

Birds silhouette with wake

Bird Silhouette with Wake |


Godwit |

Barrow’s Golden Eye

And the ensuing fight after the initial fly by…

Fighting Male Barrow's Golden Eye |

A different Barrow’s Golden Eye I caught in flight.

Barrow's Golden Eye |

Harlequin Ducks

Whooper Swan

Whooper Swan on Nest |

I found another Whooper Swan in a small pond. As I slowly approached, it began to take flight by running across the water and land.

Red-necked Phalarope

Red-necked phalarope |


Skua Attacking Guide |

Above – our guide walked towards one to see if it was sitting on a nest with eggs.

Below – upset and ready to fly.


And of course, I have to share a few more puffin images.

These were taken at Hafnarhólmi rock and harbor, the most accessible and incredible Atlantic Puffin colony in Iceland.

The snow is obvious and a total of 2 to 4 inches fell overnight, depending on which side of the fjord. Notice the stairway. The puffins made their nests on either side. All of the holes below are nests. The picture below was taken the previous afternoon before it snowed.

Boardwalk at Hafnarhólmi Rock

Here is another view from halfway up the stairs of all the nests.

Puffin Nests at Hafnarhólmi Rock |

Close to the action.

Puffin Nests Close at Hafnarhólmi Rock |

The water was only a short distance away where they flew to wash and feed.

Puffins on Water |

We spent parts of three days here. The first afternoon found us bundled up as we braved the cold rain.

The puffins didn’t seem to enjoy the cold, wet weather as the snow showed up.

Their feet don’t seem to be made for snow.

Puffin Slipping on Snow |
Puffin Pair on Snow with Wings Extended |
Puffins with Wings Extended on Snow |

These two were standing still!

Puffin Pair on Snow |

Final images…

Enjoy…go fish!

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One Comment

  1. Great photos of beautiful birds. Birder (as is Donna) or not, as a fly tier ya can’t help but also think “feathers!”

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