I’ve been out on the river only a couple of times since the first of the year. It’s that time of year when you decide if you’re a die hard winter fly fisher because many days the temperatures hover around 32 degrees or colder. March is the month of transition. Spring weather is right around the corner…I hope!
Here is a Baetis I found along the river a couple of weeks ago. It was in the shadows on snow crystals. It reminds me of pictures from Mt. Everest and the ice flows climbers must navigate. This little guy was doing the same.
And speaking of snow, there is still a little snow on the river. But it’s certainly fishable. Here I am playing and landing a fish using a $3 Dip.
Baetis mayflies have been hatching on the river. March Brown and Cinygmula mayflies should be showing up very soon.
Every once in a while, you hook up on a bigger fish.
Oh, I forgot to say he might have been snagged. But it sure felt good for a while.
It may be a few days before I get back to the river. I’m headed to the NW Fly Tyer & Fly Fishing Expo in Albany, OR on Friday and Saturday, March 10 & 11. Be sure to stop by and say hello while I’m tying flies.
Then it’s off to Grants Pass and Medford for a couple of presentations.
Looking forward to the next couple of weeks. If you are close, be sure to stop by to talk fishing.
Enjoy…go fish!
Thanks so much for spending time with my wife and I in Albany showing us the ins and outs of your crystal dun. We sat with you on Friday at the last of your session. Many thanks!!
Good to see you found my website. It was my pleasure to show you a good fly!