This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Denny’s A.P. Emerger TBT.

Denny's AP Emerger |

I first learned about the fly from Denny’s book entitled Fly-Fishing Stillwaters for Trophy Trout (1997). My wife and I took his stillwater clinic at Alder Creek Ranch in Sisters many years ago. We didn’t know much about fishing lakes and we really enjoyed the clinic AND the fishing. I think that’s probably where I purchased his book. And perhaps a couple of fly lines to present our flies in the proper zone.

I don’t know why, but somehow I haven’t tied it for quite awhile and it’s missing in my lake fly box. Well, I solved that problem today!

Denny’s A.P. Emerger is one of the flies listed in his “Deadly Dozen”. That should tell you something about how successful this fly can be.

I fish this fly to imitate a Callibaetis nymph. But Denny states it can imitate an emerging mayfly, caddis, dragonfly nymphs, water boatman, and other insects found in lakes.

He fishes the fly on an intermediate sinking fly line with various retrieves.

Other popular flies include Denny’s Stillwater Nymph, Denny’s Callibaetis Nymph, and Denny’s Seal Bugger. These are three more great fly patterns to include in your lake fly box.

Denny Rickards owns Crystal Creek Anglers in Fort Klamath, Oregon and is an expert fly fisher on Klamath Lake. And he catches BIG fish! Like trophy trout!

You can see him at the NW Fly Tyer & Fly Fishing Expo in Albany, Oregon every year. In fact, you can even take one of his stillwater lake classes.

To find out more about Denny Rickards, visit his website –

Enjoy…go fish!

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