This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Juan’s Condor Nymph.

Condor Nymph |

OK, it might not be a true Throw Back Fly, bit it fits my theme of our recent trip to Argentina.

Juan Carlos Carrera was one of our guides from SET Fly Fishing during our stay at Estancia Chochoy Mallin in NW Argentina.

He pulled out one of his flies and tied it to a PMX Royal. He called it his Condor Nymph.

PMX Royal |

Needless to say, the fly worked for me!

Argentina Rainbow Trout with Condor Nymph |

To me, it looks like a Pheasant Tail Nymph using dyed black pheasant fibers. Juan wrapped the body with wing material from the Condor. He offered to give me some feathers, but I told him I’d probably end up in jail upon return to the United States!

He got a big smile on his face when I told him that!

Here is Juan tying a Flashback Pheasant Tail Nymph one evening after dinner.

Juan Carlos Tying Flies |
Juan Carlos Tying a Flashback Pheasant Tail |

We looked up one morning while waiting to board the helicoper and saw these condors flying around the Chochoy Mallin Lodge. I wonder if one of them is missing a feather!

Condors at Chochoy Mallin |

Enjoy…go fish!

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  1. Looking forward to more details of your trip with SET.
    I have a week with them in mid-April hosted by Tim Flagler (TightLines Video) …..will be my first visit to Argentina.

    1. You realize of course that the Host of the Trip essentially goes free, which is paid for by the other anglers in the group. It’s all built into the selling price. Yes, you are being scammed alright! I would think that Flagler would have higher ethics.

  2. Throw Back Thursday’s are always fun to see. Intriguing material but I think I will stick to Pheasant. Thanks for your work on the blog.

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