This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Galloup’s Zoo Cougar.
Since I’m staying at Slide Inn on the Madison River this week, I thought it appropriate to feature a few of Kelly’s flies for my Throw Back Thursday Fly feature. I spent some time with him at the shop taking photos of a few of his famous flies and hearing a stories of them as well. You’ll be seeing a few more of his flies in future TBT posts.
Galloup developed this fly in the mid-1990’s for the Manistee River in Michigan where his first fly shop, the Troutsman fly shop was located. He told me he purchased the Slide Inn on the Madison River in 2001 and moved to Montana in 2002.
He is the author of Cripples and Spinners (2001) and co-author of Modern Streamers for Trophy Trout (2004) with Bob Linsenman.
Kelly is a stickler for detail and has developed a well-earned reputation for quality flies. If you are a streamer fly fisher, be sure to purchase some of his flies at Galloup’s Slide Inn.
Here is a picture the Galloup’s Zoo Cougar from the fly bin at the Slide Inn Fly Shop. Kelly ties and sells them in black, olive, white, tan, gray, golden brown and yellow; sizes 2 – 6.
If you are into streamer fishing, be sure to order a few Galloup’s Zoo Cougar flies from his shop.
Enjoy…go fish!