This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Shane Stalcup’s CDC March Brown Emerging Dun.

Stalcup's CDC Emerging Dun - March Brown |

Since it’s the first of March, my wife had a brilliant idea to highlight March Brown mayfly imitations during this month. Occasionally, she comes up with great ideas…actually, most of the time!

I highlighted a similar fly, a Green Drake version a couple of years ago – Stalcup’s CDC Emerging Dun – Green Drake. I included a link to a YouTube video of a mayfly emerging from its nymphal shuck. I case you missed it, I’ve included it here:

Stalcup combines a goose biot for the body and CDC for the wing just beginning to emerge from the nymphal shuck. The fly is designed to float in the surface film.

Here is a better view from the bottom.

Stalcup's CDC Emerging Dun - March Brown - Bottom View |

Many of his fly patterns utilize goose biots for bodies, and this is no exception.

The CDC Emerging Dun is featured on page 73 of Shane’s Mayflies “Top to Bottom” (2002) book. Here is an Amazon link to Shane’s book:

Unfortunately, Shane passed away prematurely in 2011 at the age of 48.

Enjoy…go fish, stay safe!

(John Kreft is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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