Denny's Seal Bugger |

Denny Rickards Seal Bugger

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Denny Rickards Seal Bugger. Denny created this fly in the mid-80’s on Oregon’s Upper Klamath Lake, his home waters. The fly is a variation of the popular Woolly Bugger.  I’d seen this fly years ago, but found it again in Rickards Fly-Fishing Stillwaters for Trophy Trout (1997). It’s the…

Mrs Haase |

Mrs. Haase

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is the Mrs. Haase. The Mrs. Haase is another Ray Bergman wet fly I found in Forgotten Flies by Paul Schmookler & Ingrid V. Sils. It is fly number 284 of 725 flies attributed to Bergman. Wow, that’s a lot of fly patterns!

McKenzie Caddis Wet Fly |

McKenzie Caddis Wet Fly

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is the McKenzie Caddis Wet Fly. This is the companion fly to last week’s TBT fly – the McKenzie Caddis Dry Fly. As I mentioned in last week’s post, I found these fly patterns from the Caddis Fly Shop in Eugene, OR probably in the 1980’s. These caddis flies…

Medallion Biot Wet Fly |

Medallion Biot Wet Fly

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is the Medallion Biot Wet Fly. I selected this fly to continue the theme of biot flies I presented in the Goose and Turkey Biot Flies post this week. The Medallion Biot Wet Fly is another fly by Shane Stalcup and can be tied in different sizes and colors to imitate a…

Stalcup CDC Loop Wing Emerger |

Stalcup CDC Loop Wing Emerger

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is the Stalcup CDC Loop Wing Emerger. This fly was the creation of Shane Stalcup, a talented and innovative fly tyer. The fly pattern sheet can be found HERE. I first learned of Stalcup’s flies in his book Mayflies “Top to Bottom” (2002). I thought it was interesting looking at the…

Walla-Walla |


This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is the Walla-Walla, another Ray Bergman wet fly. The Walla-Walla can be found on Plate 9, page 254 of Ray Bergman’s book Trout (1938).

Mark Lain |

Mark Lain

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is the Mark Lain, another wet fly from Ray Bergman’s book Trout (1938). Since it’s Thanksgiving, I decided to find an old fly incorporating a turkey wing. It just seems fitting…