I hope you get a chuckle from a few RiverKeeper Flies outtakes. How many times have you tried to take a grip and grin picture and the fish explodes at exactly the moment you press the shutter release? This quick release happens more times than I care to admit! I’ve included a few moving water and fish images as well. At the end of today’s post, I share the latest fly tying video from my YouTube channel.

Quick Release | www.riverkeeperflies.com

The following images are the remaining ones because I deleted so many. Yes, it happens frequently. To both of us!

Slippery Fish | www.riverkeeperflies.com
Splash | www.riverkeeperflies.com
Fighting Fish Splash | www.riverkeeperflies.com
Splash | www.riverkeeperflies.com
Hold Still | www.riverkeeperflies.com
Metolius Rainbow Quick Release | www.riverkeeperflies.com
Madison Rainbow Release | www.johnkreft.com
Splash | www.riverkeeperflies.com
Splash | www.riverkeeperflies.com
Splash | www.riverkeeperflies.com
Splash | www.riverkeeperflies.com

We fished at a private lake many years ago with large trout available. I smile at the memories…

Facial Expression and Fish Release | www.riverkeeperflies.com

I’ve seen that facial expression several times.

Big Fish Release | www.riverkeeperflies.com

As promised, here is a link to the latest fly tying video on my RiverKeeper Flies YouTube channel.

Clark’s Big Mayfly – Green Drake has already taken a few fish. You’ll be sure to find a few of these in my Green Drake fly box!

Rainbow with Clark's Big Green Drake Mayfly | www.riverkeeperflies.com

Goodbye for now!

Bitterroot Cutthroat Going Home | www.johnkreft.com

Enjoy…go fish!

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One Comment

  1. Hi John,

    We love the ones-that-got-away pictures. It just goes to show, trout are a lot like people. Some are camera shy, and others are avoiding the limelight like crazy. Take care & …

    Tight Lines – (Gretchen &) Al Beatty

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