Here is the fly pattern sheet for Freds Callibaetis Nymph – Variant, a very simple Callibaetis nymph that shouldn’t be overlooked. I like the Wood Duck fibers and use it for the wingcase.

Daiichi 1560, Dai Riki 060, #12 – 16
Rust or tan
Wood duck fibers
Hare’s ear, Hareline Sand dubbing or equivalent
Copper wire
Wood duck
Same as body
Wood duck or partridge
- Attach thread.
- Tie in Wood duck fibers to create a sparse tail.
- Tie in copper wire ribbing.
- Create thin dubbing noodle for body and wind forward to thorax.
- Bring rib material forward with 5 or 6 wraps.
- Tie in wingcase material.
- Dub thorax with hare’s ear.
- Select Wood duck or Partridge feather, cut “V” at tip. Tie in with 2 loose wraps to hold in position.
- Pull wingcase forward and secure with 2 loose wraps.
- Carefully pull leg material forward so final hackle length is about to hook point. This technique will allow wingcase to slide into place.
- Secure head area with several tight wraps.
- Whip finish.
Note: Use #12 for early season fishing, #14 and 16 for late season.
To learn more about the real bugs, visit my blog – Callibaetis Mayflies.