Here is the fly pattern sheet for the Steelhead Green Rock Worm.

Dai Riki 135, size 6
Tyers Glass Bead, large iridescent crystal
Danville 6/0, black
Silver tinsel or Mirage Opal
Edge Brite fluorescent green
Black ostrich herl
- Place bead on hook and start thread behind bead. Continue to place several additional thread wraps behind bead to fill in hole and keep bead from sliding.
- Cut Edge Bright sheet into strips and secure a strip behind bead. Wrap thread over material and continue half-way around bend while keeping tension on Edge Bright. Place 5 – 6 thread wraps to secure material.
- Attach underbody material and wind thread towards eye of hook. Leave a space 2 – 3 hook eye diameters back from eye.
- Wrap underbody forward and tie off.
- Pull Edge Bright tight and begin winding material away from you and forward, slightly over-wrapping each wrap. Don’t crowd head.
- Tie in ostrich by butt end, using several thread wraps to create smooth under base for ostrich. Use 5 – 6 wraps of ostrich to create thick black head.
- Whip finish thread and cut off.
The Steelhead Green Rock Worm is a fly pattern I learned during this year’s fly club Winter Fly Tying Classes. Peter Bowers, owner of The Patient Angler taught this fly. I can’t wait to try it out!