Here is the fly pattern sheet for Swisher’s PMX Royal. (PMX are initials for Parachute Madam X.)

Swisher's PMX Royal |

The fly above was tied using light-colored elk hair and grizzly hackle.

Here is another variation with darker cow elk and brown hackle.

Swisher's PMX Royal |



Daiichi 1280


Danville 6/0, black


Deer hair or elk hair


Peacock herl


Red UNI single strand floss


Deer hair or elk hair


Peacock herl


Natural medium barred rubber legs

Wing post:

Polly, white


Grizzly or brown


  1. Begin thread on hook and tie in post at 1/3 mark. Leave post over hook eye. Use post tag to create tapered body by winding thread towards hook point. Return thread to post area.
  2. Select and clean elk. Tie in behind post and wrap back to barb, easing pressure closer to prevent flaring.
  3. Tie in peacock fibers, 3 or 4 strands for smaller flies; 5 or 6 strands for larger flies
  4. Wind thread forward to thorax, whip finish and trim. Attach single strand floss and wind back to tie off point for butt.
  5. Take several turns of peacock to create a full butt section.
  6. Tie off with floss, but don’t trim.
  7. Wind floss forward with touching turns while peacock is on bottom of fly. Once at wing area, wind floss back to butt and return to wing area.
  8. Re-attach black thread and tie off floss. Trim floss.
  9. Select and clean elk or deer hair for wing. Stack and measure so wing extends to end of tail.
  10. Pre trim elk so minimal butts remain to minimize bulk. Take 2 soft wraps and pull thread upward to keep hair on top of fly.
  11. Tie in legs on each side of fly.
  12. Tie in hackle on post with feather extending up.
  13. Wind peacock for a full thorax and tie off behind hook eye.
  14. Return thread to point behind post and let hang.
  15. Wind hackle down post. Use thread to secure hackle around post.
  16. Whip finish around post and trim thread.

Here are a couple of YouTube videos I use: