Here is the fly pattern sheet for the Pheasant Rump Muddler.
Ahrex SA 220 #4 – 8
Pheasant rump
Pheasant rump
Stacked pheasant marabou
Pec fins:
Pheasant shoulder
Spun deer hair
Personal tying notes:
Order of materials
- tail
- pheasant hackle
- pheasant marabou over top
- pheasant hackle
- pheasant marabou over top
- pheasant hackle
- pheasant marabou over top
- pheasant hackle – 1 or 2
- pectoral fins
- pheasant marabou over top
- 2 stacks of deer hair for head
Each set of pheasant hackle and pheasant marabou make one section. Depending upon hook shank length, tie in 2 to 4 sections. Gunner used three sets for a #4 hook below.
When tying in pheasant marabou, use thumb nail to move fibers 180 degrees on top of hook
Spinning deer hair – When tying deer hair, Gunnar places three soft wraps using thumb and forefinger to move deer hair evenly around hook.
Watch Gunnar Brammer tie the fly on his Youtube channel:
Here are images of my step-by-step tying the fly:
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14
Step 15
Step 16
Step 17
Step 18
Step 19
Step 20
Step 21
Step 22
Step 23
Step 24