Here is the fly pattern sheet for the Krystal Flash Nymph.

Mustad 3906B or TMC 200, #16-18
Black 8/0
Dark dun hen fibers
Black Krystal Flash twisted and wrapped
Black Krystal Flash ends from body doubled over and left twisted
Olive brown dubbing, picked out on bottom
- Begin thread on hook and wrap to hook barb.
- Attach a few fibers of hackle for tail.
- Attach 4 – 6 pieces of Krystal Flash and twist tight. Wrap forward to a spot 1/3 from hook eye. Tie off on top.
- Untwist thread and pull, backward and use remaining end to double Krystal Flash. Leave ends over tail.
- Dub thorax area and leave thread behind hook eye.
- Pull Krystal Flash forward over thorax to create wingcase. Tie off securely, whip finish and trim thread.
This fly pattern can be found in Hatch Guide for the Lower Deschutes River by Jim Schollmeyer.
Be sure to check out the Throw Back Thursday Fly Krystal Flash Nymph TBT for more information.