Brindle Chute Dry Flies |

Stranahan’s Brindle Hackle Multi Colored Body Parachute

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Chuck Stranahan’s Brindle Hackle Multi Colored Body Parachute. Most fly fishers know this fly as the Brindle Chute, a shortened name. Chuck was the owner of Chuck Stranahan’s Flies & Guides which he closed in February 2022. Chuck developed the Brindle Chute to imitate the Hecuba mayfly on his home…

Flick's March Brown Nymph |

Art Flick’s March Brown Nymph

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Art Flick’s March Brown Nymph. Since it’s March, I’m continuing to feature several March Brown Mayfly imitations. I hope you read last week’s TBT post about Art Flick’s March Brown Dry Fly. This is another one of Art Flick’s flies I found this fly in The Founding Flies…

Whiting Cree Hackle |

Tying Flies with Cree Hackle

It took more than 50 years into my fly tying journey to purchase my first Cree hackle. I wanted one because every fly tyer is supposed to want one. They’re rare to find and expensive when you finally get the chance. I always wondered what it would be like tying flies with Cree hackle. I…

Swisher's PMX Royal |

Doug Swisher’s PMX Royal

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Swisher’s PMX Royal. Swisher’s PMX Royal is a variation of his original Madam X fly Swisher created in the 1980’s to imitate hoppers and stoneflies. This variation adds the visibility of a post, hence the name Parachute Madam X…PMX. You’ll find bodies of red, orange, and even lime…

Condor Nymph |

Juan’s Condor Nymph

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Juan’s Condor Nymph. OK, it might not be a true Throw Back Fly, bit it fits my theme of our recent trip to Argentina. Juan Carlos Carrera was one of our guides from SET Fly Fishing during our stay at Estancia Chochoy Mallin in NW Argentina. He pulled…

Bergman's Red Ash |

Ray Bergman’s Red Ash

This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is Ray Bergman’s Red Ash. I enjoy featuring and tying Ray Bergman flies. While they appear simple to tie, I struggle to set many of the wings. One reason I feature his flies is to force myself to practice tying them. Watson’s Fancy is simple wet fly listed on…