This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is the Stuck-In-The-Shuck Midge TBT.

I was on my favorite river yesterday looking for rising fish. I didn’t see very many, which wasn’t surprising to me. After all, it’s winter and I didn’t expect summertime hatches. I was hoping for a Blue Wing Olive hatch of 30 minutes or so. I did find a few Blue Wings along with some yellow mayflies and midges in the eddy I checked.
I thought about the midges I had in my fly box and decided I’d highlight a midge fly pattern as this week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly.
I pulled out a reliable source, Ed Engle’s Tying Small Flies (2004), and found the Stuck-In-The-Shuck Midge. He doesn’t provide the fly tyer who created the fly. I searched a little more on the Internet and found a citation that three fly tyers had been linked to the flies development.
So I don’t know who created the fly or when. Engle’s book was published in 2004. I’m guessing it was created a few years before that.
If you know the source, please leave a Comment below.
Enjoy…go fish, stay safe!
(John Kreft is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
Can I assume you fish this as an emerger?
Yup, it sure is.