Every once in awhile, I create a Recent Changes post to catch you up on what’s been happening behind the scenes at RiverKeeper Flies. And this is the week for it.
Did you notice the Youtube video my wife took recently at the Central Oregon Sportsman Show in Redmond, Oregon? She was there with a few of the Next Cast Flyfishers (our club’s youth flyfishers) as they staffed the Sportsman’s fishing pond. Yes, those are Next Cast Flyfishers attempting to corral the monster trout! If you missed it, be sure to check it out. I laugh out loud every time I watch the video.
Over the past few months, you might have seen a few additional fly patterns. Or perhaps noticed I added an East Lake Fly Box.
In spite of completing fly orders, planning for the NW Fly Tyer & Fly Fishing Expo, and leading the Central Oregon Flyfishers Winter Fly Tying I have tried to add a few flies when I can.
Some of these flies were from instructors at the COF Winter Fly Tying classes. Others have shown up because some of you asked if I tied a specific fly. And I’ve always planned to add an East Lake Fly Box.
Here are the new Fly Patterns.

The next two flies are fly patterns from my friend Phil Fischer who taught them at a recent Central Oregon Flyfisher’s Winter fly tying class. I’ve added them to my East Lake Fly Box.

If you are a frequent reader of RiverKeeper Flies, you might notice I fish and tie a lot of flies from Blue Ribbon Flies in West Yellowstone, Montana. They’ve been a huge influence on my fishing and tying…easy to tie and they catch fish. And I notice a lot of hits on RiverKeeper Flies for people searching on Blue Ribbon Flies, Craig Mathews, or my Serendipity and $3 Dip post (referenced in an Orvis News post). I’m working on a page in the Fly Patterns tab to make it simpler to find them. Perhaps you’ll see it in my next Recent Changes post.
Enjoy…go fish!