This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is the Quill Gordon.

Quill Gordon |

I think there’s something elegant about Catskill style flies. And the Quill Gordon is one of the originals.

It was created by Theodore Gordon before 1906. Gordon was born in Pennsylvania in 1854 and is recognized as the father of dry fly fishing in America.

Upon moving to be close to the Neversink River in the Catskills, he spent time developing dry flies. He ordered some wet flies from England. Gordon realized these flies didn’t imitate the insects here in America. In addition, he cast the flies upstream trying to allow them time to sink. Occasionally, fish rose for the flies before sinking. Hence the need for dry flies.

The Quill Gordon utilizes stripped peacock herl for the body, learning the technique from the British fly tyer, McClelland. Stripped peacock herl was used in several Catskill fly patterns and is still used today.

I think I’ll wait for a good winter day, pull out 6 hooks and tie up a few Quill Gordons.

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  1. John,
    Great post, I like the information in Al’s comments. Football and tying files this winter is the name of my game. All the tips from your blog are very helpful.

  2. Hi John,
    Gretchen & I just finished tying several Quill Gordons in size 12 & 14. We often use them for the fall hatch of “Green Drakes” that happen in parts of the west. We are not sure if the hatch is late emergers of the early season hatch or some other mayfly that looks similar, but they show up this time of year. Another good use of the “Gordon” is to imitate the Mahogany Duns that also hatch in our neck of the woods this time of year. Take care & …
    Tight Lines – Al Beatty

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