It’s time for another odds and ends post because I have several topics rattling around in my head. The end of October is a time of transition for me. The dry fly fishing opportunities are fewer every day I’m on the water and I hear the vise calling my name. I hope to catch up on my customer fly orders and begin filling the provider box for next year. Be sure to read all the way through as I share a link to a YouTube video I enjoyed and hope you do as well.

I got lucky with the image above of a nice Rainbow my wife caught last week. I plunged my Olympus TG-6 in the water and snapped a few pics hoping at least one would be framed well and focus was in the right location. I think it turned out pretty well.
The image below is from last week as well and probably one of the last chances this year to view the colors before the leaves drop.

Zoom Fly Tying
This is the time of year when I begin tying more flies and plan to travel to Expos. But like last year, I’ve chosen to limit my travel. Instead, I will be teaching several Zoom classes. The first opportunity for you to join me will be this Friday, 10/29 for BT’s Friday Night Fly Tying. Here are the details:
Soft Hackles Made Easy
On Friday, 29 October 2021, we’ll get to enjoy the presentations of two excellent Zoom presenters, Kathie Burns and John Kreft. After they’ve demonstrated their soft-hackle patterns, we’ll end the evening with another “TYING TIP.” It will be the last in the series of melted monofilament eyes and we’ll actually use the featured material to tie one of our favorite soft hackle patterns and yes, it will have melted-mono eyes. Where did we find this last GREAT material? You probably have it somewhere in your home and like us, didn’t realize what a great material it was until discovering it in the ****??? Join us on Friday at 6:00 PM (Mountain Time, adjust for your time zone) to find out.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 5159 1625
Passcode: 461432
Central Oregon Fly Tyer’s Guild Zoom Classes
Our Central Oregon Fly Tyer’s Guild will begin their popular Zoom fly tying sessions beginning Thursday, December 2nd and continuing every Thursday through April 28th. I plan to teach in January and March. If you’re interested in watching any of the sessions, contact me and I’ll forward your information to ensure you are on the weekly email list.
CfR Annual November Online Auction
Here is an opportunity to purchase a box of RiverKeeper Flies and support Casting for Recovery (CfR). CfR National will hold their Annual November Online Auction November 11 – 21. Like last year, I tied flies and placed them in a fly box my friend Jeff Perin at The Flyfisher’s Place donated. Proceeds from the auction will help support the Southern Oregon CfR retreat. (Here is a link to my post about the 2019 Casting for Recovery Oregon South Retreat.) I’ll post a link soon when more information is available.
Christmas list
I’ll be publishing my annual 2021 Christmas List in the near future, so if you’d like to see an item on the list for you to share with someone, just let me know.
Sale Item – SOLD
If you are interested in learning to tie flies, my friend Sherry has a few extra vises she is selling.

These are quality HMH vises, priced right at only $75. She has several of these which were used for classes. Just let me know and I’ll pass your information along to her.
Lastly, I wanted to share a YouTube video entitled, Patagonia Beetles. It brought back vivid memories of my trip to Patagonia several years ago.
Enjoy…go fish, stay safe!
(John Kreft is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
I am an instructor for the Rocky River Trout Unlimited chapter for the Charlotte NC region. We have tying classes for five months beginning in November. Currently we are on Zoom but hope to be back in person soon. Also, we offer instruction for the BSA merit badge. We taught 16 Scouts earlier this week.
Long story, but, we desperately need to update our vises and I am interested in how many of the HMH are available.
This would need our board approval and I will send them a note shortly.
Tom Adams