This week’s Throw Back Thursday Fly is the Mosquito.

Mosquito |

More of a top view showing split, upright wings.

Mosquito - Top |

This is another fly from a box of old flies I borrowed from my friend Jim Fisher. He learned to fly fish in Northern Idaho. This fly is probably from the 1950’s or 60’s.

I’m still on our fly fishing road trip without access to many of the books I research flies for TBT posts. I wasn’t able to find anything about the origins of the Mosquito. I think I recall seeing it the first time in one of Randall Kaufmann’s books. I’ll check when I return home.

It’s one of the most widely used classic dry flies and used at high alpine lakes and small creeks.

Here is a sampling of a few other posts I wrote about from the information I received from Jim:

In addition, other TBT posts includes several of his Atlantic salmon flies.

Jim Fisher was recognized as the 2011 Stan Walters Memorial Tyer of the Year from the Oregon Council of Fly Fisher’s International. I spent a few hours with him for a tutorial on selecting materials and techniques used to tie wet fly wings.

Enjoy…go fish, stay safe!

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One Comment

  1. When I was a kid in the early 1950s I didn’t know anyone who fly fished but I was fascinated with the idea. The only current information available was the generic outdoor magazine which had an occasional fly fishing article. The mosquito was always mentioned by every writer. Looking back I am not sure many of them were very expert on the subjects they wrote about. Those writers convinced me that the mosquito was the one fly that everyone must have. Your story brought back a bunch of memories. Thank you.

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