Here is the fly pattern sheet for the Bunse Green Drake Dun.

Bunse Green Drake |

Here is an image of the fly it’s imitating.

Metolius Green Drake |



Daiichi 1310 or 1180

Mustad 94838, 94845, Capt. Hamilton Barbless Dry L3AY (mayflies matched by a size 12 or larger can be tied on a short-shanked hook with extended bodies, smaller flies can be tied on standard hooks without an extended body.




Nutria, beaver, mink guard hairs


Foam from stereo or TV packing, available in sheets of three different thicknesses so you can match thickness to the size of the fly. Colored with magic marker and sprayed with waterproof artist’s fixative.


Deer hair


  1. Insert sewing needle in vise. Cut foam in an elongated shape. Cut a groove in the foam lengthways for the needle. Color foam with magic marker, spray with artist’s waterproof fixative.
  2. Wrap thread on needle about halfway. place foam on forward half of needle, catch end of foam with thread and tie down snugly, but not too tightly to eventually remove needle. Tie in tails at tie-down area, but don’t trim excess.
  3. Pull foam back out of the way, tie down tails while bringing thread forward to first segment tie-down area. Pull foam forward, go around with thread one time and tighten. Continue with each segment: pull foam back out of the way and wrap thread up to where the next segment will be, bring foam forward, go around the foam one time. Half hitch and clip thread at the last segment.
  4. Slide foam body off needle, remove needle from vise.
  5. Insert hook and attach thread and tie in stacked deer hair wing, comparadun style, trim, half hitch thread but leave attached. The hair wing should be one and a half times hook length (on a short shank hook) and tied in at the middle of the hook shank.
  6. Take hook out of vise, run hook through the foam body just in front of the last segment, in the groove, with the groove on top, so the hook comes out the bottom. Put hook back in vise, take three tight turns over last segment tie-down area.
  7. Wrap thread forward, up to eye of hook. Trim tail butts if necessary. Hold deer hair up with fingers, while pulling foam body forward and up around hair wing at the same time, then wrap thread over foam body several times at the eye of the hook.
  8. Trim off excess body material in front of fly, wrap down with thread. Cut slit in the foam body to the sides of the deer hair so the wing can fan out to 180 degrees, but don’t pull wings into slit yet.
  9. Bring thread back, wrap two times in front of wing, then behind wing two times to push body up against wing, but not collapse body too much. (Stay out of wing slits with the thread.) Bring thread forward to hook eye and whip finish. Pull wings into side slit, forming 180-degree fan. Cement base of wings, head, and entry point of tails.

This is the original recipe. I tried Solarez Flex UV Resin to coat the body. I’ll fish it and perhaps make a few changes.

In addition, I like to tie the fly with moose body for tails. It imitates the natural very well.